Sunday, April 07, 2013


I'm sorry I did not update here at all. 
I started working since last month, I've become a teacher! But since I started working I got busy, and I didn't touch this blog at all. 

But I will try to keep updating whenever I have time. ^^ 

I spent this weekend in Lombok with my family and cousins. It was ssooooooo ppppretty I really didn’t want to come back to Jakarta. ;-;
This photo was taken on our way to Gili Air (one of the smaller islands in Lombok). 

My family stayed from Thursday, and because Noushka and I have work, we only stayed from Friday until Sunday. We arrived at midnight too, so it was practically only two days and a night for us. 

ギリ・アイルでシュノーケルをやって、とっても楽しかったんです!そして(多分ホークスビル、体格が似てるだからね)ウミガメも見ました!!あいつはサンゴ礁をたべていた ;-; すごかったんですわ。誰もが水中カメラでも持っていかなかったから写真を取れられないけど、確かにすごかったんですよー。
We went snorkeling in Gili Air, it was great! Also we got to see a (possibly Hawksbill because the physical characteristics match) sea turtle feeding on coral reefs ;-; Nobody had underwater cameras with us so we didn’t get to take any pics but ahhh it was so amazing.

I wish I could stay a bit more, but this weekend was wonderful! I'm glad I was able to have a trip with everyone ^^ I really enjoyed it! If we went to Lombok next time, it'd be great if we could stay longer. 

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