Friday, February 10, 2012

Insect museum trip


Photo by Andro. 

Last Tuesday Andro and I went to TMII to visit their insectarium/ insect museum. There were no live ones though, too bad, but still I was stoked to see them (dead) bugs displayed. I didn't really want to go home, haha.

So, without further ado, picturez!

I've always wondered how it'd feel like, to die and have yourself displayed in a glass box. It would be very embarrassing. u_u


They're so cute.

This one's colors reminds me of lolita brands, like Angelic Pretty or BTSSB! So sweet. 

I like this pic too, thank you Andro. ♥

At the Butterfly Park, I found a Char-custom dragonfly, most probably Neurothemis terminata a.k.a Indonesian red dragonfly:

I bought these little critters:

I guess that's all. I'm kinda stuck in a project I don't like, and yeah, took me quite a while to finish it-- it's still not finished by the way u_u Oh well guess now I need to get back to work and finish it fast so I don't have to deal with the bullshit anymore.

On the brighter side maybe on my next entry there will be some movie review shit and more of my drawings.

Be well! ♫


  1. Oh my gosh that butterfly is gorgeous !(◎_◎;) insectariums are such cool places, I'd love to visit one!

    1. Isn't it? *w* Now I just really wish there are insectarium with live insects (esp. bugs not butterflies) in Jakarta. ♥
