Sunday, September 23, 2012


How is everyone doing? Good I hope.

I've been doing well. Last job is done so now I'm pretty free, and I can work on Milktea again.

Yesterday was Ayu's birthday celebration dinner! ♥

(photo by Deka)

LTR: Sisi, Ayu (the birthday gal!), Ega, me, Deka.

These girls are my best childhood friends in the world really. Especially Deka, I've known her since we were practically babies, since our parents were buddies as well. Then a few years after that (honestly I forgot since when) Ayu, Sisi and Ega (Sisi and Ega are sisters) were added, and the five of us stayed like that since then.

As a present for Ayu, of course, a Milktea Bunny-chan tote bag ehehe~

(photo by Ayu)

We had dinner at Pastis. I have been there only once before, and I remember them serving big portions for their pastas. Yesterday when our orders came, they didn't look as big as how I recall... But as I started eating, I couldn't finish mine :'D Apparently the portion IS big! But for some reason we still managed to stuff in a bit of dessert. Which is probably our group's special skill. We all have different stomach for desserts.

Yesterday was also the first time I had decent conversation with Deka's boyfriend. He draws and he draws really really well it blew my mind! All I know was that "he draws" but I never thought his drawings would be that great. I was actually very excited when he showed us his works because goddamn.

More piccus, this time from Sisi:

Ayu's boyfriend Kiva.

Hazelnut ice cream is nice but apparently too sweet if paired with caramel sauce.

Andro. Okay.


Also, despite yesterday being Ayu's birthday celebration, she brought me omiyages she got in Japan, and somehow I ended up getting more presents from her.

She got me Gundam T-shirts!

(bigger picus here)

I was only supposed to get two, but there was a leftover so YAY. She also got me a Rilakkuma phone strap, Mt. Fuji edition (so cute but sorry no picus ;-;). My collection is getting bigger fufu... I guess since most of my friends know that I like Rilakkuma, I end up getting many small presents that is Rilakkuma-related.

Anyways. We really had fun yesterday, although we somehow ended up talking about marriage at some point (we believe Sisi actually brought that topic, she made us talk about it pfft) even though it is actually a topic we highly avoid hahaha! I can't wait to get together with them again, and actually at the end of the month Sisi's parents planned a gathering in their house so yeah we'll see each other again pretty soon. Yay yay~

That's about all for now.
Take care everyone. ♥
xx Naomi

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