Friday, August 24, 2012


Changing the format of my 'untitled blog posts' to date because it's easier than numbers (that's how I did it previously).

Everyone, howdy!

^ Photo was taken this morning. My friend Ale commented that I made a ":3" face irl in this picture hehe.

I woke up earlier than usual to go out with my mum. She had a lunch gathering with her friends from way back when she was still in ads agency. Today was supposed to be extra special, because the main guest, Bintang, is living in Canada now, and this year she came to Indo with her husband and parents-in-law.

As a kid, I used to go to my mum's office (the ads agency one I mentioned about) so I know nearly everyone who came to the gathering. Or more like, they know me. Haha. Everyone was saying like "How much you've grown!", and "You're a young woman now!"... ;w;

I didn't eat much but I had two desserts today! Here they are:

Mango pudding from Din Tai Fung.

I didn't get to try any desserts in DTF when I visited Singapore, and in Indo I don't go to this restaurant often as well since it's pretty fancy (poor illustrator have it hard, yo), and I know I love mangoes and I love puddings but THIS COMBO IS SERIOUSLY THE BEST. \m/

Then our group moved to a cafe and I had this:

Ssssshaky pic because I couldn't wait to eat it. Hot chocolate cake from Delifrance. I'm a sucker for chocolate and look. At. That. Chocolate. Oozing out of the cake omg. This was really delicious aaaaaaaarhjrkgrkf;fdslk.

For the whole day I actually had fun talking to Bintang's father-in-law aka an ojiichan. Idk how and why but I've always been a magnet for either kids or old people, it's funny. I find it easier to speak to them rather than to people from my age group, haha. So we talked about a lot of things, like about vegetarianism, plants, his work in his farm (eeee!), my plan to study in Japan and all... it was really pleasant and they weren't judgmental at all ;w; Made me happy. He even asked me for my name and e-mail! I hope we talk soon haha.

One of my mum's friend told my mum, "Look at your daughter, having so much fun talking to Bintang's parents-in-law!".

Anyways yeah I had a good time. I know my mum's friends from this ad agency are really fun people so I didn't mind going with her. I guess not many people will hang out with their mothers' friends though? Haha. But as soon as I got home I got really really drowsy so I kinda passed out for about 2 hours (in the middle of writing this actually), and now I'm up and resuming the post. ;w;

I hope everyone is doing well, too! :)
Take care.

xx Naomi

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